Advanced Reconnaissance with Recon-ng (Part II)

NOTE: I will be using as an example a company listed on HackerOne’s bug bounty platform. You can read the accepted terms here and here.

Workspace and database setup

Before using this tool, it is advisable to create a workspace on which you save your retrieve data.

Creating a workspace

The workspace is a separate area that will help keep your reconnaissance data organized. Each workspace has an individual directory inside the hidden .recon-ng directory in the home directory.

  • To create a workspace simply type:
[recon-ng][default] > workspaces create <name of workspace>
Create workspace
After this command you are automatically placed into your new workspace and you can easily see the status of your workspaces.
  • Type:
recon-ng][default] > workspaces list
List workspaces

Adding information to your workspace

Next, you will usually add a company and a domain. This will add information to the SQLite database. To add information into the database, we need to understand the schema, the layout of the tables.

  • To look at the schema of the database run the following command:
[recon-ng][United] > db schema
See database schema
Now we add information to the proper tables inside the workspace database.
  • To insert the company, type:
[recon-ng][United] > db insert companies
Insert company name
  • To insert the domain, type:
[recon-ng][United] > db insert domains
Insert domain name

Adding the API keys

As I’ve mentioned before, using API keys will give access to a lot more information. This are the keys used for the following examples. They are all free and easy to get:

List API keys

Social engineering reconnaissance

Recon-ng can be used to get information about networks, domains, hosts, user profiles, user e-mail addresses, credentials, etc. However, it might be a good idea to start by separating what is infrastructure related information from user related information. If your main goal is launching a phishing attack, it is more important to know about users and e-mails than to know about open TCP ports.

Getting data

The starting point is going to be the previously inserted domain and company names.

  • Let’s see which modules can be used:
[recon-ng][United] > modules load companies
List specific modules
As you can see, the first seven modules will use the companies information to get contacts, domains, etc.
  • Let’s start using them!
[recon-ng][United] > modules load recon/companies-contacts/bing_linkedin_cache
[recon-ng][United][bing_linkedin_cache] > run
Load and use "bing_linkedin_cache" module
Final result from "bing_linkedin_cache" module
  • Now the next one
[recon-ng][United][bing_linkedin_cache] > modules load recon/companies-contacts/pen
[recon-ng][United][pen] > run
Load and run the "pen" module
Before getting any more data, it might be a good idea to create a workspace database snapshot. This way, there will be a backup to return to.
  • Just type:
[recon-ng][United] snapshots take
Take a database snapshot
Keep using all modules and notice some won’t get you any data at all
  • Getting more data:
Load an run the "whois_pocs" module
Final result from the "whois_pocs" module
Notice some contacts are not from but from other domains like @* We will fix that in a few moments
  • Let’s try to get some contacts and credentials from past leaks, using the domain as a starting point for the scylla module
  • [recon-ng][United] modules load recon/domains-credentials/scylla
    [recon-ng][United] [scylla] run
Load and run the "scylla" module
Final result from the "scylla" module
  • List the information already available in the credentials table:
[recon-ng][United] show credentials
Content of the credentials table
  • List the information already available in the contacts table:
[recon-ng][United] show contacts
Content of the contacts table
These e-mail addresses can be converted to First Name, Last Name with a specific module; unmangle.
  • Just tyep:
[recon-ng][United] modules load recon/contacts-contacts/unmangle
[recon-ng][United] info
Info on the unmangle module
Now run the module and watch the result:
Final result of the unmangle module
  • Lets’ use a different scylla module, using the contacts as a reference to search for more credentials
[recon-ng][United] modules load recon/contacts-credentials/scylla
[recon-ng][United] [scylla] run

Load and run the "scylla" module
Final result of the "scylla" module
We already have a lot of information, but not all of it is useful. In the next post I’ll show you how to filter and clean you data.


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