Metasploitable 2 Walkthrough: Part I

In a real-world situation, you would start by the easiest or most vulnerable port. But just for organization, let’s start exploring the services in ascending port order.

Exploiting Port 21 – vsFTPd

The FTP service can potentially be exploited in several ways. You should try them all.

Brute forcing vsFTPd using Hydra

Users can access the Metasploitable VM by logging into the FTP server with a valid set of credentials. Therefore, it is a good idea to try some of the most commonly used combinations and try to brute force the access to the FTP server. Kali Linux has a number of wordlists that can be used for this purpose. Let’s use Hydra to launch an attack:

hydra -L [users file] -P [passwords file] [IP] [service]

Brute Force passwords with Hydra

This will take a very long time because the tool will try every password for each user. And it might not return any good results unless you use carefully selected wordlists.

This is an example of successful results obtained with custom created wordlists:

Brute Force passwords with Hydra and wordlists

Once you have found a valid credential set, you can use it to login to the remote FTP server:

FTP login

Brute forcing vsFTPd using Metasploit

Metasploit has an auxiliary module that can also be used to brute FTP force passwords just like Hydra did.

Metasploit FTP login module

Using the custom wordlists previously created will produce the same results:

Brute Force passwords with Metasploit 

Using Metasploit has a major advantage over Hydra because the credentials found are automatically added to the database:

Metasploitable credentials in the MSF database

Opening the backdoor manually

Version 2.3.4 of vsFTPd contained a backdoor that was slipped into the servers hosting the source code by an unknown person. The particular version of vsFTPd included on the Metasploitable VM contains a vulnerability that opens a backdoor shell. If a client attempts to connect using a username that ends in a smiley :), it opens a backdoor shell listening on port 6200 (kind of like 2600 - get it?).

This allows the user to obtain a root shell, view the contents of files, modify things, etc., all by attempting to login with a username ending in :). (Note that the login attempt DOES NOT have to be successful!)

Opening the backdoor

The procedure for opening a backdoor on port 6200 with vsFTP is as follows:

  • We begin by scanning the Metasploitable VM to show that port 6200 is closed:

Scanning Metasploitable VM port 6200

  • Now, in another window, we open the backdoor (notice the smiley at the end of the username):

Opening the vsFTP backdoor

  • You can close that window - you're done with it.
  • Now take a look at the same port 6200 with Nmap. It’s open!

Port 6200 open

Exploiting the backdoor

To use the backdoor, connect to port 6200 with a Telnet client. Then you can execute normal shell commands by running:

command_name args;

  • For example, to dump the contents of the /etc/shadow file:

Dump the /etc/shadow file

  • You can even grab SSH key information (authorized_keys, known_hosts, private and public keys)

Dump SSH key information

Because this vsFTPd technique opens a backdoor whenever we want on port 6200, it is a convenient method for connecting and executing commands on the remote victim machine. However, other connection techniques may be more useful - for example, using SCP without a password to deliver a payload to the victim machine.

Once you have disconnected from the remote shell on port 6200, the port will close again. You can always re-open it using the same method outlined above.

Opening the backdoor with Metasploit

Search for an exploit for vsFTPD 2.3.4 using Searchsploit:

Search for vsFTP exploit

Search inside Metasploit and select for use:

Search for vsFTP exploit in Metasploit

Set the options and run the exploit module to get a shell:

Exploit vsFTP with MSF

Check privileges:

Root shell

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